Criminal Tax Investigation Advice

In some cases, the severity of a tax investigation may suggest an individual is potentially in a great degree of trouble. New powers mean that HMRC can impose criminal convictions on those it suspects and finds guilty of serious tax evasion.

Of course, HMRC take all investigations very seriously. However, if your tax investigation has developed into a full HMRC Criminal Investigation, then you should seek tax investigation advice from a professional at your earliest opportunity. The sooner we are involved in the process, the greater the change of being able to achieve a more favourable outcome depending on the severity of the alleged circumstances.

We have considerable experience in the area of tax investigations and providing defence in criminal investigations over alleged tax fraud and tax evasion.  

HMRC Criminal Tax Investigation Advice - Call 0113 387 5670

We have experience in this area through our criminal defence work and we have affiliations to some of the best white collar crime solicitors, barristers and QCs in the UK. Between them they have worked on many high profile criminal tax investigation cases.

In some cases, if you are found guilty of serious tax fraud or tax evasion, you could face criminal prosecution and even a custodial sentence.

Have you received a TMA S106A? 

As with any HMRC investigation it is important that you have a trusted professional by your side. If you have received a TMA s106A you should contact us immediately in order to discuss your case.

We have been involved in a number of cases involving criminal tax investigations representing individuals who are alleged to have underpaid tax.

If you are facing a HMRC Criminal Investigation you should seek professional tax investigation advice. To discuss your circumstances with trusted and experienced tax investigation professionals in complete confidence please call 0113 387 5670 or fill out an Enquiry Form.

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To hear more about our Tax Investigation Services or to discuss a potential case with a member of our team, call us on 0113 387 5670.

Alternatively, you can email us at or fill out an Enquiry Form and we will contact you directly.
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