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Tax Disclosure Advice - Declare Unpaid Tax

Forths provides specialist tax advice to individuals with unpaid tax liabilities and those who are looking to bring their tax affairs up to date with HMRC. 

We assist individuals from a wide range of backgrounds, and have particular expertise in assisting individuals with offshore bank accounts and assets, private property landlords, self employed contractors and individuals with non-domicile status.

Our experienced tax advisers provide a free initial phone consultation to discuss your affairs and the potential options available in order to clarify your tax affairs. 

Click here to fill out a contact form and discuss your circumstances with one of our tax advisers.

If you have received a letter from HMRC, talk to our team today - Call 0113 387 5670 to arrange a FREE initial phone consultation.

In most cases an unpaid tax liability can be an innocent oversight. However, in others it may the case that HMRC suspects you have deliberately evaded tax and will therefore look to bring a tax investigation against you.

If have already received a letter from HMRC you should talk to our team at your earliest convenience. If HMRC launches a tax investigation into your affairs and is successful in proving that you have deliberately not declared tax, you could be faced with financial penalties, and in serious cases, even a criminal conviction.

We are experienced in dealing with HMRC and we would always recommend talking to a tax professional before trying to deal with the issue directly with HMRC yourself.

Unpaid Tax Advice - Call Us Today On 0113 387 5670

For many people, it is not an option to sit tight and hope that a tax investigation may not arise. There are thousands of tax investigations currently ongoing. It is vitally important that you obtain professional advice right from the start of a HMRC investigation, or if you feel you may have unpaid tax liabilities and want to clear up your tax affairs.

Our tax advice includes a wide range of specialist expertise including but not limited to:
We can advise in relation in almost any tax issue you may have, and in particular when you have received a letter from HMRC.

Disclose Unpaid Tax - Contact Us Here

We are highly experienced in guiding clients through making a voluntary disclosure of unpaid tax to HMRC. Our team can assist throughout the process and liaise directly with HMRC on your behalf.

Depending on your circumstances there may be a number of different disclosure options available to you. You can arrange a free initial phone consultation with our team to discuss your circumstances.

Our team has considerable expertise in advising individuals with offshore bank accounts, private property landlords, self employed individuals and expats. Over the last 18 months, we have handled voluntary disclosures for clients in Australia, USA, South Africa, Spain, Andorra, Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland and Denmark.

HMRC will continue to close the net on those it suspects of having unpaid tax. With stiffer financial penalties, Accelerated Payment Notices (APNs) coming into play, and the risk of criminal prosecution, the time to act is now before HMRC makes the first contact with you.

To find out more about our tax investigation services and how to make a voluntary disclosure, you can call us in complete confidence on 0113 387 5670 or fill out an Enquiry Form.

By Liam Bottomley June 26, 2020
If you do not pay your tax there are a number of actions HMRC may take in order to recover unpaid tax debt. Depending on the circumstances this could take the form of either a tax investigation or HMRC debt enforcement action.
By Liam Bottomley June 26, 2020
“I’m late filling in my tax return” is a statement that we see time and time again in the enquiries that we see coming through from tax payers who have issues and are contacting us for assistance.
May 29, 2020
Let Property Campaign - Rental Tax Disclosure Case Study.We assist individuals in making disclosures of unpaid tax to HMRC and in investigations by HMRC. Call us on 0113 387 5670
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To clarify your tax affairs, talk to our team

If you believe you may have unpaid tax, our team can discuss your circumstances in complete confidence and explain the options voluntary tax disclosure options available to you. To arrange a free initial phone consultation, contact us HERE today.

Have you received a letter from HMRC?

If you have received a letter from HMRC, you should arrange to talk to our team of experienced tax professionals. We have assisted many individuals through HMRC investigations and in making voluntary disclosures of unpaid tax. Click here to talk to our team.

Contact us today to find out how we can assist you...

To hear more about our Tax Investigation Services or to discuss a potential case with a member of our team, call us on 0113 387 5670.

Alternatively, you can email us at or fill out an Enquiry Form and we will contact you directly.

Contact Us

Contact us to hear more about our Tax Investigation Services or to discuss a current or potential case on a no obligation basis with a member of the Forths team

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The Station, 77 Canal Road , Leeds , West Yorkshire, LS12 2LX 
Tel No: 0113 387 5670 
Fax No: 0113 387 5686

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2nd Floor, Amazon House , 3 Brazil Street , Manchester,  M1 3PW
Tel No: 0161 237 0699 
Fax No: 0161 237 0698
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