Voluntary Tax Disclosure

HMRC generally views individuals who make voluntary tax disclosures in a better light than those who are eventually “found out” for having underpaid tax.

Making a voluntary tax disclosure to HMRC is a proactive step, and our experienced team can assist you in bringing your tax affairs up to date with HMRC. 

If you have unpaid tax, the time to act is now.

Click here to arrange a free initial phone consultation to discuss your affairs in complete confidence.

If HMRC holds information or evidence to suggest that you have avoided paying or underpaid tax, whether innocently mistaken or intentionally, it will open an investigation into your affairs. 

Most investigations can result in large payments to be made in lieu of underpaid tax, and in some cased large penalties. In extreme situations there could be a possible criminal prosecution which could result in imprisonment.

There are a number of options available to those looking to make a voluntary disclosure to HMRC.  

Declare Unpaid Tax - Talk to us in confidence 0113 387 5670

A voluntary disclosure pf unpaid tax can be made in order to declare, amongst others:
  • A failure to declare;
  • Historic onshore taxable incomes;
  • Income or gains from offshore assets and investments, such as offshore bank accounts or property portfolios;
  • Rental on second properties or property portfolios;
  • Income from online sales, such as eBay / Etsy / Amazon;
  • A Capital Gain on the sale of a property or company shares;
  • A failure to register for VAT.

Voluntary Tax Disclosure to HMRC

It is important to note that you should not approach HMRC directly. Should you wish to make a voluntary disclosure you should seek advice from a tax disclosure professional to help guide you through the process.

Forths have experience of advising clients through disclosures to HMRC. We can analyse your circumstances and make a full presentation of your case to ensure that a fair assessment of any outstanding tax liability is made by HMRC.

For more information about the Voluntary Disclosure options available to you based on your circumstances you should call us on 0113 387 5670 or fill out an Enquiry Form.

By Liam Bottomley June 26, 2020
If you do not pay your tax there are a number of actions HMRC may take in order to recover unpaid tax debt. Depending on the circumstances this could take the form of either a tax investigation or HMRC debt enforcement action.
By Liam Bottomley June 26, 2020
“I’m late filling in my tax return” is a statement that we see time and time again in the enquiries that we see coming through from tax payers who have issues and are contacting us for assistance.
May 29, 2020
Let Property Campaign - Rental Tax Disclosure Case Study.We assist individuals in making disclosures of unpaid tax to HMRC and in investigations by HMRC. Call us on 0113 387 5670
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To hear more about our Tax Investigation Services or to discuss a potential case with a member of our team, call us on 0113 387 5670.

Alternatively, you can email us at enquiries@forthsonline.co.uk or fill out an Enquiry Form and we will contact you directly.
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