Tax Investigation Advice - What will it cost? 

Tax investigations or voluntary disclosures cannot be rushed. It is important to establish all or as many facts to support your case as possible and this will vary depending on the tax principles involved and how easily information can be gathered. Disclosures often have timescales within which they are available or must be completed.

You can call us on 0113 387 5670 to discuss your circumstances so that we can give you a better idea of the cost involved.

Underpaid Tax

If HMRC has proven that you have outstanding tax arrears, interest will also be added on top of the amount of tax payable. In addition, depending on the severity of the case, HMRC may seek to impose financial penalties potentially up to 200%.

How much tax will be repayable?

The amount you may have to repay to HMRC depends on the level of taxable income allegedly not declared. Forths can assist in all cases, from routine enquiries to serious tax investigations, and we have proven track record of negotiating penalties in relation to overall settlements.

Fee Structures

We have developed a fee structure that allows us to provide cost effective solutions for individuals facing tax investigations or those looking to make a voluntary disclosure to HMRC.

Often, the urgency with which you try to address your situation can have a positive effect the level of penalties HMRC might impose.

For an initial discussion about a Tax Investigation or making a Voluntary Disclosure with our experienced tax investigation professionals in complete confidence please call us on 0113 387 5670 or fill out an Enquiry Form.

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Contact us today to find out how we can assist you...

To hear more about our Tax Investigation Services or to discuss a potential case with a member of our team, call us on 0113 387 5670.

Alternatively, you can email us at or fill out an Enquiry Form and we will contact you directly.
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