Arrange a free phone consultation if you have unpaid tax

Do You Owe Tax? Talk to Forths

Forths provide specialist tax advice to individuals with unpaid tax liabilities

If you have unpaid tax, we can assist. We are not HMRC, we assist individuals who are looking to clean up their tax affairs.

We offer a FREE Initial 10 Minute Phone Consultation

Our experienced Tax Disclosures and Investigations Team can help you understand your position. You can talk to us in confidence.

HMRC generally views individuals who make Voluntary Tax Disclosures in a better light than those who are eventually “found out” for having underpaid tax. If HMRC suspects and has evidence to suggest you have unpaid tax liabilities, you may face a full Tax Investigation into your affairs.

Making a Voluntary Tax Disclosure to HMRC is a proactive step, and our experienced team can assist you in bringing your tax affairs up to date with HMRC. 

If you have unpaid tax, the time to act is now.

Leeds Office 
The Station 
77 Canal Road 
West Yorkshire 
LS12 2LX 
Fax No: 0113 387 5686
Manchester Office 
2nd Floor 
Amazon House 
3 Brazil Street 
M1 3PW
Fax No: 0161 237 0698
By Liam Bottomley June 26, 2020
If you do not pay your tax there are a number of actions HMRC may take in order to recover unpaid tax debt. Depending on the circumstances this could take the form of either a tax investigation or HMRC debt enforcement action.
By Liam Bottomley June 26, 2020
“I’m late filling in my tax return” is a statement that we see time and time again in the enquiries that we see coming through from tax payers who have issues and are contacting us for assistance.
May 29, 2020
Let Property Campaign - Rental Tax Disclosure Case Study.We assist individuals in making disclosures of unpaid tax to HMRC and in investigations by HMRC. Call us on 0113 387 5670
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Contact us today to find out how we can assist you...

To hear more about our Tax Investigation Services or to discuss a potential case with a member of our team, call us on 0113 387 5670.

Alternatively, you can email us at or fill out an Enquiry Form and we will contact you directly.
Contact Us Here Today
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