Property rental website Airbnb has notified that it is facing a tax inquiry from HMRC.
The UK entities of the US based company has confirmed that the tax inquiry relates to ‘operations and intra-company transactions’.
The news comes as other global companies have had their UK tax affairs scrutinised by HMRC, with eBay paying extra tax in 2017 and Amazon and Facebook more recently falling into focus.
HMRC has also targeted the individual and small business users of such platforms to recover unpaid tax due on the sale of goods and services.
For a number of years HMRC has encouraged private property landlords to bring their tax affairs up to date, specifically through the Let Property Campaign. The developments between Airbnb and HMRC may lead to the targeting of individuals who rent their properties out through Airbnb.
Our specialist tax team assist individuals with unpaid tax liabilities, in making voluntary disclosures and through HMRC investigations.
Over the years we have assisted in a wide range of cases, and have considerable experience in assisting private landlords through the Let Property Campaign, and online sellers in bringing their tax affairs up to date with HMRC.
HMRC will continue to clampdown on what it sees as tax avoidance, and for many the net is closing.
We can assist in assessing your tax position and liaising with HMRC on your behalf to ensure that if you have unpaid tax, your tax affairs are brought up to date. We will then ensure that you remain tax compliant and provide ongoing advice if required.
To arrange a free initial 15 minute phone consultation, call us on 0113 387 5670, email or fill out a Contact Formand we will be in touch.